
Valentine's Day :: Spring Fever

Oh. Got it bad.

I'm as restless as a poet on a string.

POST NOTE: Found this in drafts and decided to post it now - regardless of the strange summer timing.

Appropriate to recall winter @ the beginning of summer.

For my Mom :: Food as Currency

Makes me cry. Experimenting with iMovie's export for iTunes. No frills. It copied the file into the iTunes directory as well as left a copy in the movies folder. Not too bad. Unfamiliar with whether the m4v format will play for my subscribers, be transcoded by Blip to flash, or flow down the RSS feed. Here goes nuthin'.


K.M Bihr :: Fine Art

Paintings, wall sculpture, drawings.

This was a gift to my colleague Katie.

Because I can.

Because it's something she needs and will use.


Because part of healing is giving back.

Support other women in their journeys whenever you can.