
NY State Senator Diane Savino on Gay Marriage Bill

A politician is a speaker of agendas. That is why they are elected; because the politician resonates with their constituents on a number of issues. Or not. We rarely get to hear full sentences or expanded comments unless we are watching the feed from C-Span or local government.

In December of 2009 New York Senator Diane Savino spoke about the gay marriage bill for New York state. I'm posting this because we need to see examples of women speaking on an issue of the day where they have an elected voice in the process.

This is her comments about the bill.

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Professor Lora Iannotti Talks About Nutrition and Haiti

Time again to look at how women can use video to help expand the discussion beyond sound bites. Lora Iannotti is a professor at Brown School at Washington State University in St. Louis. She was in Haiti to research and evaluate a nutrition product when the quake hit.

This is her narrative of the event:

Also in the video is Tom Stehl, operations director for Meds & Food for Kids who talks about the level of malnutrition in Haiti before the quake and what would be needed after.

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Cat Lainé Talks About AIDG

It is not the time to be dormant. Perhaps we should expand from not just women creating videos but women using or appearing in videos to communicate to the broader world. This is Cat Lainé.

From the web site:

The Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group (AIDG) helps individuals and communities get affordable and environmentally sound access to electricity, sanitation and clean water. Through a combination of business incubation, education, and outreach, we help people get technology that will better their health and improve their lives.

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