
Life Walking - VloMo 2009

It has been a while. Life happens. Anyway, for VloMo09 this is my single contribution for the Yahoo 30 Vloggers 30 Days Challenge.

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Fannie Lou Hamer - PSA Project

This is a examples of how women can do their own advocacy PSA about issues that they care about. This my example of taking the words of hate and having a historical figure refute them. This is the magnificent Fannie Lou Hamer.

So this is a topic area that I identified as a need that can be addressed. We don't have to wait for M$M to get it cuz it brings them no profit to do so. Where I live they no longer show PSAs on commercial television unless the show is so bad that they can't get advertising for it.

The tools are simple. Audio, photo animation program that could be built in your video editing program and text. We have the power, let the change come forth.

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Camcorder Buying Tips Part 2 - Videoblogging Week

This is the rest of part two of the camcorders. I wish it was better but part of doing Videoblogging week is to get it out their. Don't polish and the chrome; just tell your story. Still trying to recognize that face in the video because it doesn't look like the one in the mirror in the mornings.

Acceptance it hard work when you have to face the reality of yourself. It could be worse. But I want to return to the shadows when this is over.

Old and new friend are starting to re-appear. We have been lurking in the shadows resting up and it is like homecoming.

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Letting Ideas Find You - Quick Tips for Busy Women

Sometimes an idea will walk up to me and stick like static. I had to do three things at once today. This idea was waiting for me to see it. This is number two in a series of posts to help women get started in web video or videoblogging.

I'm on mission and never mind I violated my self-imposed rule of no more than five minutes yakking time. I'll see what I can do in the edit but I feel good about this post.

I hate doing Talking Head videos, by the way. Reminds me of too many things to recount, like grammar school flashbacks. Anyway, two videos down, five to go!

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Web Video - Planning Tips for Busy Women

April 5th is the start of Videoblogging Week when real people who have something to say, show and share post videos for seven days. I want to do seven videos tips on how to create web videos. This is the first one on planning your video.

I would happy if every woman I knew did one video saying who they are and what they want out of life appeared on a blog. Or whatever they wanted to show or share; I think. I know some radical dames so let me think about that one.

F**k those that don't want to hear us talk.(I don't mean that in a pleasurable way either.) We got to tell our stories anyway. So this is my small attempt at paying forward for all the good stuff videoblogging has brought my way.

This is also posted at my blog Out On The Stoop

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Project Midnight

What if you could spend midnight New Year's Eve with everyone you knew? And a few people you didn't. Music by Ben Folds.


Dear 2008,

Click to play

On the eve of 2009, let's have one last look back at 2008, shall we?

"Human Land Mine" :: Sunstroke :: Nathaniel's, Greensburg, PA

That's my old pal, business partner, & collaborator Phil Platten on bass and vox.

A delight to revisit our collaborative work. We were called "Sunstroke" after a contest to name the band brought forth a few barely mentionable names. Gosh, something like "....Beaver Twins". Does anyone recall the third-place entry?

Would not have broached the material but for the fact that Phil moved on a year ago this month. And but for the fact that another bass player with whom I had a band also took flight.

[I could not bring myself to say that Phil and Dick expired the first or second draft of this post. Dare I say it now...but 'moving on' and 'taking flight' are two terms that seem correct for what happened to them.]

Dick Bungo: a consummate musician tho I don't remember him being in any of the bands, singing groups or orchestras in high school. Not much of a 'joiner' our Dick. Neither have I turned out to be.

This can only be considered a first draft of the video of the piece, for I will want it as part of the soundtrack for "The World's Longest Open Love Letter".

The lyrics remind me where was emotionally in December of 1980, when this was recorded. Can't yet quite get my mind around it but in the editing -- in the meditation that is editing -- am certain all will become quickly clear.

Miss my old friend, roommate and Nathaniel's owner Dave Clark. Where are ya, Dave?

The full performance from that night may be found HERE for download.